The Convergence of Disinformation: Examining Russia and China’s Partnership in the Digital Age, is published by the Institute for Security and Development Policy and edited by Niklas Swanstrom and Filip Borges Månsson.
Jeanette Serritzlev has contributed with the book chapter: Sino-Russian Disinformation Cooperation in Nordic Countries: Interests, Prospect & Mitigation.
Institute for Security and Development Policy writes this about the publication:
“The spread of disinformation has been a longstanding issue since the establishment of communication between societies. It has been used as a tool to spread propaganda and deceive adversaries in the political and intelligence sphere for centuries. In modern times, the internet has provided extensive opportunities to spread misinformation and manipulate information on a global scale. Western liberal democratic states, due to their open societies, have been heavily targeted by adversaries aiming to cause political turmoil, distrust, and instability through the effective use of disinformation and manipulation of information campaigns.
The digital age has ushered in an era where the manipulation of information has become a potent, and easily accessible, tool in the arsenal of statecraft. Potential adversaries like Russia and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have used disinformation to further their strategic goals, create discord, influence elections in democracies, and shape global narratives. While the focus is often on the individual disinformation efforts of these nations, understanding their potential collaboration in this area reveals the depth and complexity of the challenge faced by liberal democracies.”
Link to the publication
Link to Institute for Security and Development Policy’s webpage